Taurus SelectaBell Easy Barbell for SB-25
č. výrobku TF-SBEB-25
detaily výrobku: Taurus SelectaBell Easy Barbell for SB-25
- The SelectaBell Easy Barbell transforms two dumbbells into a barbell
- Weight of the SelectaBell Easy Barbell: 4.5 kg
- Knurling for a better grip
- Grip surface: 97 cm
- Very easy to use
- Please note that the SelectaBell Easy Barbell is specifically designed for use with Taurus Selectabell Dumbbells.
popis: Taurus SelectaBell Easy Barbell for SB-25
Clever barbell solution for the SelectaBell dumbbells SB-25
This barbell was specially designed for use with the SelectaBell SB-25 dumbbells. The bar easily connects the two dumbbells to make one barbell! Instead of weight plates, simply attach SelectaBell dumbbells to the ends. You can have dumbbells and barbells in one convenient, space-saving set. Adjust the weight using the SelectaBell sliding pin system integrated into the handles.Attaching the dumbbells is a snap: Pull back the metal latch, place the opening over the dumbbell, and allow the latch to spring back into place. Snug up the fit with a thumbscrew, and you’re ready to continue training with the barbell.

Záruční podmínky: Taurus SelectaBell Easy Barbell for SB-25
Záruka: Pro koncové spotřebitele platí záruka podle všeobecných zákonných předpisů.
Výrobce neposkytuje žádnou dodatečnou záruku výrobce/záruku.
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- info@fitshop.de
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