Joola Midsize FA Table Tennis Table

č. výrobku JO-19130
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platnost do 5.8.2024

Do vyprodání zásob!

dosud 5 261,00
nyní 4 733,00

  • Compact table tennis table for the whole family
  • Fun to play even in smaller, tighter spaces
  • Quick assembly and dismantling
  • Design:
    • Medium-sized format
    • Foldable
    • Space-saving
    • Suitcase-like design
    • Black base
    • Grey playing surface
    • Orange accents
  • Pre-assembled handle
  • Including net set
  • rozměry po sestavení - Joola Midsize FA Table Tennis Table: (d) 152 cm x (š) 76 cm x (v) 71.5 cm
  • stůl na stolní tenis:
    • není odolná vůči povětrnostním vlivům

Practical design

With a length of 152 cm and a width of 76 cm, the Joola Midsize FA table tennis table is smaller than conventional table tennis tables. It is therefore also designed for indoor use. This is where the table shines as a true space miracle. With the folding mechanism, the Joola Midsize FA table tennis table can be assembled and disassembled very quickly and is even more space-saving. This means you can start your game as quickly as possible and stow the board away again immediately after the game. The pre-assembled handle makes it as easy to transport as a suitcase. This makes the table tennis table particularly suitable for recreational players and offers great fun for the whole family.

Suitable for your home

With its simple design, black base frame, grey playing surface and orange accents, the Joola table tennis table looks great in any room.

Záruka: Pro koncové spotřebitele platí záruka podle všeobecných zákonných předpisů.

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